How to Plot Absolute Frequency Response of Filter?

11 views (last 30 days)
I am currently using the freqz() command to plot the frequency response of an FIR filter designed in fdatool and exported to the workspace as a variable.This plots the correct frequency response (as seen in FDAtool), but with normalized frequency on the x-axis.I understand that the freqz() command returns 512 points from 0 to pi.I divide the index by 512 and multiply it with FS/2, which "corrects" the x-axis but when I plot this against 20*log10(abs(filter)), the amplitude is not as seen in FDA tool.

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 15 May 2016
You can output the frequency in Hz if you give freqz the sampling frequency as an argument (at least in more recent MATLAB releases):
[mag,frq] = freqz(Filter1,2048,FS);
I’ve also noticed that fdatool and freqz give different results. I design my own filters with the individual filter functions, and analyse them with freqz. (I have nothing against using fdatool and the others, but when I learned signal processing, we had to design our own filters at every step, and I just got used to designing them that way.)
Matlab Student
Matlab Student on 16 May 2016
Thank you for your reply! I'd like to add that the correct frequency response can be obtained with
Star Strider
Star Strider on 16 May 2016
My pleasure.
If you use freqz with no outputs, it plots the frequency response by default:

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