Export Solidworks 3D data to Matlab.

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Anton Gruba
Anton Gruba on 22 May 2016
Edited: Anton Gruba on 23 May 2016
Is there a way to export a Solidworks 3D model as binary volume to Matlab?
I want to build a simple 3D shape, or any shape for that matter, in Solidworks and export its 3D data to Matlab. There is an interface between Solidworks and Simulink but it has its own format of graphic data, a kind of surface data, which isn't what I need and which doesn't seem to be convertable to what I need.
I need, instead, Matlab 3D array to represent the model — a binary array, representing binary voxels, "ones" at the space points where the object exists and "zeros" where it doesn't.
So that, for example: for intersection of two such models I could do simply "and" operation; or, for visualizing, fetch the binary volume to Matlab 'isosurface()' function.

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