While making a closedloop feedback model using connect command, how to get noise model included in that?

1 view (last 30 days)
I have a model y = Gu+He, and an IMC controller Q and let us define my setpoint to be 'r' and output is 'y', I have to compute the closed loop feedback model using connect statement, since I have a noise model 'H' in my system, My closed loop system is y = Tg*r + Th*e, I know how to use connect command to get yhat = Tg*r and v = Th*e separately. But it would be helpful for me if i can get y = Tg*r+Th*e in a single command. Please help me with that

Answers (1)

vidya kurada
vidya kurada on 7 Jun 2016
I got it, thanks


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