readFrame error Matlab R2016a Mac OSX 10.11.1

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MJU on 23 Jun 2016
Commented: liomsi liomsi on 6 Jan 2022
Trying to convert a video to images. So far getting errors with 2 very simple lines of code--wondering if this is an issue of running on Mac. I converted the original .avi file to .m4v.
OBJ = VideoReader('SampleVidB1.m4v');
video = readFrame(OBJ);
The error:
Error using VideoReader/hasFrame (line 46)
Could not read file due to an unexpected error. Reason: Cannot Open
Error in VideoReader/readFrame (line 104)
if ~hasFrame(obj)
Additionally, I have seen mmread used in this application. Is it best to just download that from the file exchange and proceed? Thanks!
MJU on 23 Jun 2016
Just the path to the file. VideoReader runs fine, seems to be readFrame that won't work.

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Answers (1)

MJU on 23 Jun 2016
Ok, I seem to have found a solution. QuickTime was not allowing me to open the video as an .avi file so I had used VLC to convert it to a .m4v. The conversion had options for 'Video Codec' which was set to 'H.264' by default. I tried a more familiar looking option, 'MPEG-4' and the code runs. Will continue with the rest tomorrow, hopefully that resolves this issue.
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liomsi liomsi
liomsi liomsi on 6 Jan 2022
My video codec is MPEG-4 and I still get this error.
I started to get this issue once I used video with a frame rate of 32 Hz (it is OK with other videos of frame rate 34 Hz).
Matlab version: 2017a.

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