Reading input file in rapid accelerator mode

1 view (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I have an embedded Matlab block which calls a self implemented subfunction for reading an input file. Normal and accelerated mode are working fine but rapid accelerator gernerates errors.
I understand that I am not able to use function calls like "textread", "fopen" or "strmatch" because they a "unsupported" for generating code, but which functions for reading files are supported?
Searching for "supported functions by rapid accelerator" did not help me.
How am I able to read a file in embedded Matlab while running the rpaid accelerator mode?
Best ragards

Accepted Answer

Swathik Kurella Janardhan
Swathik Kurella Janardhan on 16 Aug 2016
Refer to this MATLAB Answer that explains solution for a similar question.

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