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how to find the closest values with tolerance in a matrix given a specific value

96 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone, i have a problem finding values with tolerance in a matrix.In more detail, i have a 601x2201 matrix that contains option values, all i want is to find the closest values to 185.2 with +-0.02 tolerance and their indexes in the matrix.i have tried some codes to solve this(ismember,find,...) but always i end up with no answer.i would appriciate any help.Thank you for your time.

Accepted Answer

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 6 Sep 2016
A=1000*rand(601,2201) ; % Example

More Answers (1)

kostas zervos
kostas zervos on 6 Sep 2016
Thank you guys,you saved me!!!both answers are very helpful!!!


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