what is the reason of putting a dot when writting an equation using matlab? for example: y=x.*z+c.^2

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what is the reason of putting a dot when writing an equation using matlab? for example: y=x.*z+c.^2, thanx

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 20 Oct 2016
The dot indicates element-wise as opposed to array operations.
See the documentation on Array vs. Matrix Operations for details.

More Answers (1)

Abdul samad
Abdul samad on 3 Aug 2023
In MATLAB, using a dot before certain mathematical operators is known as element-wise operations. When you write an equation like y = x.*z + c.^2, the dot before the multiplication (.*) and exponentiation (.^) operators indicates that the operations should be applied element-wise to arrays or matrices.

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