Scatter plot labels with lines to each label

12 views (last 30 days)
I have a scatter plot where each point is labeled. However, it is not very readable due to some points being located close to each other.
How could someone draw a line from each point to a label in MATLAB? I would like the line to move when I move labels that are potentially misplaced/overlapping. What I have in mind is something like this,
Thank you in anticipation.

Accepted Answer

Kevin Gurney
Kevin Gurney on 26 Oct 2016
Edited: Kevin Gurney on 26 Oct 2016
My understanding is that you would like to reposition a text label along with its corresponding arrow if two text labels overlap in your scatter plot.
You can use the "textarrow" annotation type in MATLAB to draw an arrow with an associated text label to each point in your scatter plot.
Refer to the documentation pages below for additional information regarding the usage and available properties of the "textarrow" annotation type:
You can interactively draw and position "textarrow" annotations in a scatter plot by using the Plot Tools, and selecting Insert>Text Arrow from the figure window's menu bar.
For additional information regarding the Plot Tools, refer to the documentation page linked below:
  1 Comment
Joel on 28 Oct 2016
Thank you, Kevin!
I have not been able to successfully implement this yet, but it looks like just what I was asking for. Thank you again! I appreciate it.
Regards Joel

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