Live script will not run code that "regular" script will

1 view (last 30 days)
The following code works fine in SCRIPT, but it will not work in Live Script. I am wondering why?
I am running MATLAB 2016b, on an iMAC running OS X Sierra.
% A is a 6x2 numerical array. Col 1 has student IDs in it. Col 2 has
% corresponding test scores.
% Find the second largest score, and the ID of the
% student who received the second highest score.
% Assume no duplicate scores.
A = [11 45;
12 98;
13 71;
14 21;
15 34;
16 92];
[sortedScores, ndxSortedScores] = sort(A(:,2));
secondHighestScore = sortedScores(end-1)
ID_secondHighest = A( ndxSortedScores(end-1), 1)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Oct 2016
The code works for me as Live Script in R2016b on Mac with El Capitan.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Oct 2016
The code works for me as Live Script in R2016b on Mac with Sierra in a Virtual Machine.

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