Z transom and inverse Z transform are not matching

3 views (last 30 days)
I am having a few issues in Z transform and Inverse Z transform in Matlab. I am writting one for example here. when I perform z transform of x^n. It gives me -z/(x - z) which is exactly fine. but when I find inverse z transform of -z/(x-z) it is giving me a large output: piecewise([x == 0, kroneckerDelta(n, 0)], [x ~= 0, kroneckerDelta(n, 0) - x*(kroneckerDelta(n, 0)/x - x^n/x)]) why is that so.?

Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 1 Dec 2016
Add a simplify call:
syms x n z real
assume(x > 0)
fcn = x^n;
q1 = ztrans(fcn, n, z);
q2 = iztrans(q1, z, n);
Out = simplify(q2, 'Steps', 20)
Out =

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