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Don't understand indexing statement from compiler

2 views (last 30 days)
DJ V on 2 Dec 2016
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
MY code is:
function mbd = spherical_mirror_aberr(fn,D )
%SPHERICAL_MIRROR_ABERR Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
delta_x = 0.01;
f = fn * D;
delta_theta = asin(delta_x/(2*f));
D_theta = asin(D/2/(2*f));
theta(0: delta_theta:D_theta);
Mult = 8*delta_x/D^2;
mbd =Mult*sum( 2*f*tan(2*(0:delta_theta:Dtheta))(1/cos(0:delta_theta:D_theta) -1));
The compiler is giving me a warning: "indexing must appear last in an index expression" What does this mean that I need to do. It affects the "mbd" variable equation.
DJ V on 2 Dec 2016
Edited: DJ V on 2 Dec 2016
I simplified the code considerably just to begin to find the error:
Now it produces:
Error in spherical_mirror_aberr (line 10)
mbd =Mult*sum( (0:delatax:D/2));
Adam on 2 Dec 2016
Errors come with an error message, not just a line number usually.

Answers (2)

Adam on 2 Dec 2016
Edited: Adam on 2 Dec 2016
sum( ... )( ... )
is not valid syntax in Matlab.
You can't chain together parenthesis is what that error is essentially sayiing. I don't really know what you are trying to do in the expression. Maybe you are just missing a * from between the ) and the (
Guillaume on 2 Dec 2016
Well, you're missing the * between 2*f*tan(2*theta) and (1/cos(theta)-1)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Dec 2016
Since your theta is actually an array of theta's, you'll need dot slash instead of slash: 1./cos(). You'll also need a dot * instead of * almost everywhere, for example tan() .* (1./cos)

DJ V on 2 Dec 2016
BUt in the code as written now there is no multiplication or division,and it still won't work.

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