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How can I find the mixed partial derivatives using Matlab?

10 views (last 30 days)
For example, to find d^3f/dxdy^2 of x^4*sin(xy)??

Accepted Answer

bio lim
bio lim on 3 Dec 2016
syms x y
f = (x^4)*sin(x*y);
der = diff(f,x,y,y)
der =
- 6*x^5*sin(x*y) - x^6*y*cos(x*y)

More Answers (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 3 Dec 2016
You would differentiate with respect to y twice, so the second derivative, and once with respect to x. Essentially two calls to diff.
help syms
help diff
1st semester calc?

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