Save data from Simulink Outports with Bus Object Data Types

1 view (last 30 days)
I am working with models that occasionally have outports with Bus object data types. Whenever I run these models, I the resulting saved output does not have any data from those Bus Object data types. I do not want to modify the models, so I cannot add a 'to file' or 'to workspace' block. How do I get these ports to save their data and preserve the structure of the Bus in that saved data. I've attached a modified version of the ex_load_bus_root_inport model that demonstrates. Load and run the model, check the yout variable, then remove the data type from 'In2' and run it again. Output from Outport 2 appears, but it removes all structure from the Bus.
For reference, I am running Matlab 2013a.

Answers (1)

Jordan Ross
Jordan Ross on 9 Jan 2017
Hello Eric,
As I understand, you are trying to log the output of the Out2 outport in your model which as a custom bus type. Unfortunately, this functionality is not supported in MATLAB R2013a. However, in R2016b you can log the signals using the "Dataset" format and can preserve the structure of your custom Bus object.


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