I have the matlab code for Hierarchical Centroid Shape Descriptor method. The image contains the steps .Please help me to correcte the codes for brain tumor detection.

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Here by i attached the steps in the imaege and i have also attached the coding . this is the HCSD code for letters only. How can i modify the code by using the steps mentioned in my image..

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 28 Feb 2017
See my tumor detection demo. Note: it works for this image but is not guaranteed to work with all images that have tumors, of course. But feel free to adapt it.
For what it's worth, I'm also attaching my kmeans demo, though I said in your other question it's not good as a complete method for finding tumors unless you know in advance there there is definitely one there.
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sam  CP
sam CP on 28 Feb 2017
Thank you ..Yes, it is very sure that the kmeans may sometimes select tumor and some other sorrounding tissue, for extractiong such healthy tissues , the HCSD method will be used and it will worked based on this attached source code (have to modify the code for brain tumor).The HCSD is decompose the image in subimages. There will be five steps
1.Take the input I and compute the transpose of I. 2.Calculate the centroid for each input. 3.Divide the image into two sub images based on the centers of gravity. 4.Normalize the obtained vector by using[-0.5,0.5] 5.Concatenate the features extratced from I and transpose of I
Then the healthy tissues are removed from the mri and select the tumor section alone

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