Programatically selecting cells in a uitable
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How would I programatically select a cell, e.g., highlight row 3, column 2 in a uitable?
I found some 5+ year old answers using an obsolete version of uitable that no longer seem to work.
Edit: here is what I found that did not work:
on 17 Jul 2017
If you have found some almost useful information, share it with the readers. Otehrwise they might use the search function and must test, if you meant the same thread.
on 18 Jul 2017
There is a bunch of code in this long thread. Please explain, what you have tried and what "did not work" means. Perhaps you had a typo only?
Accepted Answer
on 18 Jul 2017
Edited: Jan
on 20 Nov 2019
Adam Danz
on 6 Dec 2019
Note that this method does not work in app designer UI tables.
Also note that the findjobj() function uses the JavaFrame property and javacomponent function which will no longer be supported by Matlab in future releases.
More info:
More Answers (4)
Can Yuce
on 24 Aug 2018
Edited: Can Yuce
on 24 Aug 2018
Other solutions exists but may risk race-conditions with the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT). If you are interested in selecting a single row, one working solution running safely on Java Swing’s Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) without risking a race-condition or deadlock with the EDT would be:
jscrollpane = javaObjectEDT(findjobj(src));
viewport = javaObjectEDT(jscrollpane.getViewport);
jtable = javaObjectEDT( viewport.getView );
jtable.scrollRowToVisible(row_ - 1);
it requires findjobj functionality, and works fine on Matlab R2017a.
Gene Sanchez
on 17 Nov 2019
Edited: Jan
on 20 Nov 2019
I wanted to select multiple cell, but was unable to find an answer on how to do it. The key is on the last two arguments of the function
jUITable.changeSelection(row-1,col-1, false, false);
According to Yair, they are (rowIndex, columnIndex, toggleFlag, extendFlag)
So the following example will select three separate cells:
jUITable.changeSelection(1,1, false, false);
jUITable.changeSelection(1,2, true, false);
jUITable.changeSelection(2,2, true, false);
While this example will select a region with four cells, then another region with five cells:
jUITable.changeSelection(1,1, false, false);
jUITable.changeSelection(1,2, false, true); % extend selection
jUITable.changeSelection(5,1, true, false); % toggle to 2nd selection
jUITable.changeSelection(5,1, true, true); % extend 2nd selection
On a separate note, Finding which cell are selected is not sufficiently done by getSelectedRows
ans =
3×1 int32 column vector
Returns 3 numbers, instead of the five I need to know all the cells that have been selected. Is there an analogous getSelectedCells??
Right now I have to scan the whole set of getSelectedRows and getSelectedColumns to find the currently selected cells, using jUITable.isCellSelected(i,j).
on 19 May 2019
jtableobj=findjobj(tableobj); % tableobj, uitable object
% rows cols of cells
for irows=1:length(rows)
Adam Danz
on 10 May 2021
Starting in Matlab R2021a, you can programmatically scroll to any row, column, or cell of a uitable using the scroll function (see Four New App Features in MATLAB R2021a).
Syntax examples:
- scroll(uit,vlocation) where vlocation is 'top'-'bottom'
- scroll(uit,hlocation) where hlocation is 'left'-'right'
- scroll(uit,target,targetIndex) where target is 'row'-'column'-'cell' and targetIndex is a row or column number or a 1x2 cell location.
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