Can SPEA2 be used instead of inbuilt NSGA2 inmatlab

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I need to use SPEA2 for my research. I have standalone implementation of spea2 from Yarpiz but unfortunately it doesn't have support for linear constraints like matlab GA, so I wanted to ask if we can some how use spea2 instead of using inbuilt NSGA2. This way I feel we can use inbuilt genetic operations like mutationadaptfeasible. Otherwise, if some can share code of spea2 which can handle linear constraints. I would appreciate any help.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Jul 2017
No, you cannot do that.
Also I would understand to mean that SPEA2 cannot handle constraint violation in its original form, which would be a problem for ga() and gamultiobj()

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