LBP for face recognition

5 views (last 30 days)
Rakesh Singh
Rakesh Singh on 7 Aug 2017
Commented: Shano Atallah on 12 Feb 2019
how does the method of LBP(or pixel values computed by LBP) helps in the method of face recognition and face detection
  1 Comment
Shano Atallah
Shano Atallah on 12 Feb 2019
How are you classification in lbp using neural networks?

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Accepted Answer

Jinsong Han
Jinsong Han on 7 Aug 2017
Local Binary Patterns are used in face detection/recognition because of its fast performance and robustness.
LBP generally works by looking at each pixel and comparing it to its neighbors. If the center pixel's intensity is greater than the neighboring pixel, a 0 is given to the neighbor - otherwise, a 1 is given. The results are then concatenated to form a binary code for the center pixel, which can be changed to decimal format for simpler representation. This technique is used often for texture classification, and is robust to most lighting conditions.
Some algorithms for facial recognition involving LBP first divide an image into several smaller regions from which the features are extracted using LBP. This generates a feature histogram for each region which can be concatenated to form a visual descriptor of the face. This can be paired with other machine learning techniques like support vector machines for facial recognition.
See the following links for more information: IEEE, GJCST, Wikipedia, MATLAB LBP Documentation

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