Import data to splinetool create spline with function

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello, initially I created a spline with cftool. Is it possible to import the same data to splinetool and generate the function? GS.
  1 Comment
Gavin Seddon
Gavin Seddon on 16 Aug 2017
Hello, I should mention that I only want to provide evidence of a trigonometric spline so it is mainly importing data and if possible some evidence sine or cosine being used in the knot. GS.

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Accepted Answer

Faiz Gouri
Faiz Gouri on 17 Aug 2017
I understand that you have created a spline using 'cftool' and would like to use the same in 'splinetool'. You can do so by taking a function handle and use it in 'splinetool' An example follows: You can construct a cubic spline interpolant that matches the cosine function at the following sites x, using the csapi command.
x = 2*pi*[0 1 .1:.2:.9];
y = cos(x);
cs = csapi(x,y);
You can then view the interpolating spline by using fnplt and get its handle-
h = fnplt(cs,2);
Now, you can use 'h' in 'splinetool' when it prompts you to import your own data.
Hope this helps!
Gavin Seddon
Gavin Seddon on 23 Aug 2017
Is it possible to use all the x data from a table for input to this ? GS.

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