Derivative in function handle
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f=@(x) x + log(x);
I want to assign first derivative of 'f' to 'f1', and second derivative for 'f1' to 'f2' But i have this error "Undefined function 'diff' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'". How to fix? Thanks
Answers (2)
on 11 Sep 2017
Edited: José-Luis
on 11 Sep 2017
If you're gonna do this numerically, you need to specify an interval in which to evaluate. Note that diff doesn't really give the derivative, but I'll stick to your nomenclature.
limits = [1,10];
f = @(interval) (interval(1):interval(2)) + log(interval(1):interval(2));
f1 = diff(f(limits));
f2 = diff(f1);
You could also do it symbolically but I can't help you there because I don't have the symbolic math toolbox.
James Tursa
on 11 Sep 2017
Edited: James Tursa
on 11 Sep 2017
E.g., if you want function handles you could get at them with the symbolic toolbox
>> syms x
>> f = @(x) x + log(x)
f =
>> f1 = eval(['@(x)' char(diff(f(x)))])
f1 =
>> f2 = eval(['@(x)' char(diff(f1(x)))])
f2 =
If you plan on feeding vectors or matrices etc to these function handles, then you could wrap the expressions appropriately with the vectorize( ) function. E.g.,
>> f1 = eval(['@(x)' vectorize(char(diff(f(x))))])
f1 =
>> f2 = eval(['@(x)' vectorize(char(diff(f1(x))))])
f2 =
Walter Roberson
on 11 Sep 2017
No need for the eval()
syms x
f = @(x) x + log(x)
f1 = matlabFunction( diff(f(x)) );
f2 = matlabFunction( diff(f1(x)) );
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