Dsolve generates result with variable "t" when t not used
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Hi; I tried to solve a PDE using dsolve, and the code looks like:
if true
syms h r l
h = 2
g = 5
however, the results is strange and has t in it as variable:
C15*exp(-(t*((h*(h^3*i^2*r^2 - h*r + 2*l*i))^(1/2) + h^2*i*r))/(h*r)) - exp((t*((h*(h^3*i^2*r^2 - h*r + 2*l*i))^(1/2) - h^2*i*r))/(h*r))*(C15 - cos(r))
Can someone point to the reason for this "t" variable?
on 4 Oct 2017
Chandani Madnani
on 4 Oct 2017
What is h and g? Are they representing constants B and C from the mathematical equation? Why is h and l used inside 'dsolve' then? What is 'i' in the equation for? Is that also a constant?
For more details about using "dsolve", please see the documentation link below:
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