Create 58 graphs as a waterfall plot from 58 .csv files
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I have a folder with 58 .csv files. Each .csv file has 415 rows and 2 columns. My intention is to import these files one by one generating a numeric 415 x 2 matrix. The first column represents the x-axis and the second column the y-axis. I'm able to plot these graphs one by one overlaying each other (using the code below) but I want to plot these graphs as a waterfall plot. However, despite many tries, I'm not able to achieve this. Could anybody help?
This is the current script:
addpath('C:\Users\3826740\Dropbox\Personal Storage\Documents\Scheikunde\Master\Masters Research\Data\Raw Data\FTIR\170927\hydration exp\Spectracsvfiles')
dirData = dir('C:\Users\3826740\Dropbox\Personal Storage\Documents\Scheikunde\Master\Masters Research\Data\Raw Data\FTIR\170927\hydration exp\Spectracsvfiles\*.csv')
ColorSet = varycolor(58);
set(gca, 'ColorOrder', ColorSet, 'xdir', 'reverse');
hold all;
for i = 1:size(dirData,1)
A = importfile1(dirData(i).name, 3, 417);
x = A(:,1);
y = A(:,2);
set(gcf, 'Colormap', ColorSet);
ylim([1.4 3.4])
caxis([0 60])
xlabel('Wavenumbers (cm^{-1})')
This generates an 'overlay' plot as displayed below,

but I want it looking like the waterfall plot as displayed below.

1 Comment
on 2 Oct 2017
Note: There is no need to add a folder to Matlab's PATH if you only want to read files from it. Better do not touch Matlab's PATH without a need to do so.
Accepted Answer
on 2 Oct 2017
You should use plot3 instead of plot to draw line in 3D. More info here:
Try this example and adjust this to fit your purpose:
t = 0:0.5:20;
clr = jet;
hold all
for j = 1:10
plot3(t, j*ones(size(t)), sin(t), 'color', clr(5*j, :)); %plot lines in 3D
view(gca, [10, 45, 45]) %play around with this view
More Answers (1)
See Also
Find more on 2-D and 3-D Plots in Help Center and File Exchange
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