How to rectify this error in generating matrix 729x729?

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How to rectify this?
Actually here B is a list of 729 elements and each element is a 6 tuple. By 6-tuple, I mean to say each element is of length 6. i.e. 101110, 210110.. and so on.
I want to generate a table/matrix (BxB) i.e. 729x729. ,
Kindly help me generating such a matrix.
>> i=0:2;
Np = 2; %last state number for each entry, states are numbered from 0 to Np
A=fullfact([3 3 3 3 3 3])-1;
B = char(A+'0');
>> states=B;
>> rownames = states;
>> varnames = states;
>> mtrx=cell(729,729);
>> AuthorTable = mat2dataset(mtrx, 'VarNames', varnames, 'ObsNames', rownames);
* *Error using setobsnames (line 29)
NEWNAMES must be a nonempty string or a cell array of nonempty strings.
Error in dataset (line 377)
a = setobsnames(a,obsnamesArg);
Error in mat2dataset (line 75)
d = dataset(vars{:},args{:});**

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