XCORR returns NaNs on interpolated data

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Hello! I have a vector A of dimension 12*1 with monthly values of temperature, and a vector B of dimension 365*1 with daily values of a physical variable. I need to calculate cross correlation between them. I try to interpolate A using interp1. However, after that when I do xcorr, it gives me an array of NaNs. What is the reason of that? Here's what I do:
AA=interp1(1:12,A, 1:365);
And xcorr(AA,AA) also gives me array of NaNs. How can I fix it?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Nov 2017
When you ask interp1 to interpolate outside the original range of x, then the default value returned is NaN.
You could try
AA = interp1(1:12, A, linspace(1,12,365));

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