why current sample always is 513 in audioplayer properties?

3 views (last 30 days)
I have used audioplayer several times and do not understand the meaning of several properties of audioplayer that is displayed on the command window. I noticed always the current sample is shown as 513.
ans =
audioplayer with properties:
SampleRate: 16000
BitsPerSample: 16
NumberOfChannels: 1
DeviceID: -1
CurrentSample: 513
TotalSamples: 1766400
Running: 'on'
StartFcn: []
StopFcn: []
TimerFcn: []
TimerPeriod: 0.0500
Tag: ''
UserData: []
Type: 'audioplayer'
Specifically, I do not understand the terms below and why their values are as they are
DeviceID: -1
CurrentSample: 513
Running: 'on'
StartFcn: []
StopFcn: []
TimerFcn: []
TimerPeriod: 0.0500
Tag: ''
UserData: []
Type: 'audioplayer'
Jan on 25 Nov 2017
Perhaps you want to post the command, which produces this answer, such that we can reproduce the output without guessing.
The properties "StartFcn", "StopFcn", "TimerFcn", "Tag", "UserData" and "Type" seems to be trivial and are explained in the documentation. What does
doc audioplayer
not explain?
Seetha Rama Raju Sanapala
Seetha Rama Raju Sanapala on 27 Nov 2017
@Jan Simon;
aro=audiorecorder(16000,16,1); record(aro);
>> stop(aro) >> play(aro)
ans =
audioplayer with properties:
SampleRate: 16000
BitsPerSample: 16
NumberOfChannels: 1
DeviceID: -1
CurrentSample: 513
TotalSamples: 282624
Running: 'on'
StartFcn: []
StopFcn: []
TimerFcn: []
TimerPeriod: 0.0500
Tag: ''
UserData: []
Type: 'audioplayer'
Whatever you record, the current sample is always 513. Why?

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