from acceleration to velocity: problem of integration
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Hello everybody,
I explain the situation: I did a simple movement with my inertial measurement unit (IMU). I slide it manually along the x direction 2 times (once along -x and then along + x). No other movement has been realised along the 2 other axes (y and z). NB: z is vertical and x and y are in the horizontal plane.
Then I get the acceleration: (the gravity g along z is removed)

Then I integrate the acceleration to get the velocity:
for i = 2:length(acc)
linVel(i,:) = linVel(i-1,:) + linAcc(i,:) * samplePeriod;
This is what I get:

Then, I filter with a high pass filter(butterworth, cut off freq =0,1 Hz) to remove the drift. I get:
order = 1;
filtCutOff = 0.1;
[b, a] = butter(order, (2*filtCutOff)/(1/samplePeriod), 'high');
linVelHP = filtfilt(b, a, linVel);

But there is still a problem... Why do I have 3 "trends" on this x curve? How do you explain it? Can we correct it? It may be a problem if I want the position...
And why do we use a high pass filter? Intuitively, I would have used a low pass filter but I saw somebody using a high pass filter (here: ) to get the velocity from the acceleration...
NB: when I plot the pwelch (power spectral density) of the accel, there is nothing above 0,8 Hz... here:

Thanks to help me !!
Answers (2)
Are Mjaavatten
on 16 Dec 2017
Edited: Are Mjaavatten
on 20 Dec 2017
I have followed this question, hoping that somebody with better signal processing skills that myself would come up with an elegant solution. Since this has not happened, I decided to give it a try. My solution is not very general, but seems to solve your specific problem.
I make use of a run length encoding routine, commonly used for compacting graphics. There are many such routines on the File Exchange. I use the function rle by Said Bourezg.
The philosophy is to set the value of the acceleration (x) to zero whever it stays below a given threshold for a specified number of samples.
function x = removebias(x,biaslevel, period)
% REMOVEBIAS: Set x to zero whenever values stay below biaslevel
% for a a minimum period
% Uses run length encoder rle by Said BOUREZG, from Mathworks File Exchange
b = rle(abs(x) < biaslevel);
nperiods = length(b)/2;
b = reshape(b,2,nperiods);
pos = [1,cumsum(b(2,:))];
for i = 1:nperiods
if b(1,i) && pos(i+1)-pos(i) >= period
x(pos(i):pos(i+1)) = 0;
Testing with synthetic data:
% Create sample data:
amplitude = 8; % Spike amplitude
bias = [0.5,0.1,0.3];
noise = 0.1; % Noise amplitude
spike = zeros(20,1);
spike(1:10)= linspace(0,amplitude,10);
spike(11:20) = linspace(amplitude,0,10);
x =zeros(1500,1);
x(1:500) = bias(1)+noise*randn(500,1);
x(501:1000) = bias(2)+noise*randn(500,1);
x(1001:1500) = bias(3)+noise*randn(500,1);
x(491:510) = spike;
x(991:1010) = -spike;
y = removebias(x,1,5);
Are Mjaavatten
on 20 Dec 2017
I agree it is an ad-hoc solution, but it may be good enough in some cases.
I noticed that I did not submit my final version of the removebias function, so I have made an edit. The function now contains a "period" argument that ensures that shorter periods of low values are not automatically set to zero. Setting the period to 1 will give the same answer as before,
See Also
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