convert .mat to binary format

32 views (last 30 days)
hardik on 3 May 2012
I have a set of data stored in matlab as variable x which contains 500 data points (values between 3 to 800)
i want to store this data as a binary format so that i can use it in a different software.
can someone help me out please.

Accepted Answer

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 3 May 2012
As I said -"The term "binary format" may be used in different ways.". You are then looking for DEC2BIN. An example is in the documentation.
  1 Comment
hardik on 4 May 2012
thank you! i was looking for this for very long time. but i couldn't spot it.

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More Answers (2)

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser on 3 May 2012
The term "binary format" may be used in different ways. From the MATLAB perspective, there is the FWRITE command to "Write data to binary file".

hardik on 3 May 2012
this dosent help me much since i wana store those 2 to 800 variables into the format of 1 0 001101011010101010011........
could u please tel me a bit more. or perhaps u can give me an example please
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 May 2012
Complete with the space?
So that's the _character_ '0' and the _character_ '1' ? Or are those supposed to be a representation of consecutive bits?

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