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In Excel divide the single column into three columns

3 views (last 30 days)
Hi...In an Excel table, I want to divide the single column into three columns containing data from the first column,Select from A3 the three columns Tide Amplitude Phase
buffer=fileread('RasTanura 1980 AllYear._AnalysisLog.txt');
data= textscan(buffer, '%s %*f %f %f %f %f %f %f','delimiter','#');
data= [data{1},num2cell([data{2:end}])];
xlswrite('RasTanura 1980 AllYear.xlsx',data);
dpb on 23 Dec 2017
Attach a short section of the original input file -- looks like should be able to just read it directly if you skip the three header lines. If you want to keep the three data values shown above, I don't understand why you would have written the format string you did???
nada on 24 Dec 2017
Converted file txt to xls by code >>now i want Divide the column into three columns containing the (Tide, Amplitude, Phase) and divide columns into four at the row A34 containing (JDay(LST),Observed, Predicted, Residual) datas.
Please help me .. to find a solution

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 24 Dec 2017
[~, txt] = xlsread('file1.xls');
TAP_cell = regexp(txt(4:29), '(?<Tide>\S+)\s+(?<Amplitude>\S+)\s+(?<Phase>\S+)', 'names', 'once');
TAP = vertcat(TAP_cell{:});
Tides = {TAP.Tide};
Amplitudes = str2double({TAP.Amplitude});
Phases = str2double({TAP.Phase});
JOPR_cells = regexp(txt(35:end), '\s+', 'split');
JOPR_cell = vertcat(JOPR_cells{:});
JOPR = str2double(JOPR_cell);
JDay_LSTs = JOPR(:,1);
Observeds = JOPR(:,2);
Predicteds = JOPR(:,3);
Residuals = JOPR(:,4);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Dec 2017
Remove the
Tides=(cellfun(@str2double, Tides)) ;
and use
T1 = cell2table( [Tides(:), num2cell(Amplitudes(:)), num2cell(Phases(:))], 'VariableNames', {'Tide', 'Amplitude', 'Phase'});
The problem is in trying to convert the Tide to numeric, since it is text.

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