how to let my code just consider the demical number ??

6 views (last 30 days)
Dear friends
sorry for bothering you guy, can anyone help how to code, asking matlab to only consider the decimal
for example 45.789
I just be coding need to detect the numbers after (.), in another words I need to detect only 789
maybe my question is so silly but sorry due to lack of my knowledge
Thanks a lot guys
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 27 Dec 2017
Is the input a string? Because if it is floating point then there are multiple valid answers. Remember that floating point numbers are not stored in decimal and that 1/10 cannot be exactly represented in floating point, much the same way that 1/3 cannot be exactly represented in finite decimal

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Accepted Answer

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 27 Dec 2017
Edited: David Goodmanson on 27 Dec 2017
Hi Muhammad,
You need the integer part, and the fix function works:
a = 45.789
>> fix(a)
ans = 45
>> b = a-fix(a)
b = 0.7890
For positive a, the floor function gives the same result as fix. However, fix works for both positive and negative a (giving -.789 in the latter case). Floor works as intended only for positive a. See help floor, help fix for the difference in the two functions.
Another way, which also works for both signs, is
b = rem(a,1)
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 27 Dec 2017
What does that mean? There are many, many digits to the right of the decimal place. What does "consider" mean to you? Do you want to multiply by 1000 and cast to integer so you get only 3 decimal places? If not, then what you do mean exactly?

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More Answers (1)

Muhammad RSMY
Muhammad RSMY on 27 Dec 2017
Thanks David Goodmanson and Image Analyst for your kind support and suggestions

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