1-D Heat equation

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Dereje on 22 Mar 2018
Commented: Dereje on 22 Mar 2018
I have no idea what went wrong. Two days since looking for the errors, please help
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x_min= 0;
x_max = 1;
N = 10;
L = x_max-x_min;
h = L/N;
x = linspace(x_min,x_max,N+1)'
uexact= @(x) 4*(x-x.^2);
f = @(x) 8*15; % Source term
u_exact = uexact(x);
ua = uexact(x_min);
ub = uexact(x_max);
u = zeros(N-1,1);
A = zeros(N-1,N-1);
b = f(x(2:N)); %
b(1) = b(1) + ua/h^2;
b(N-1) = b(N-1) + ub/h^2;
dA = diag( 2*ones(1,N-1) );
dAp1 = diag( -1*ones(1,N-2), 1 );
dAm1 = diag( -1*ones(1,N-2), -1 );
A = (dA + dAp1 + dAm1);
A = 15*A/h^2;
u = A\b; % solving the linear system
g = [ua; u; ub];
Thanks for the help.

Accepted Answer

Birdman on 22 Mar 2018
x_min= 0;
x_max = 1;
N = 10;
L = x_max-x_min;
h = L/N;
x = linspace(x_min,x_max,N+1)'
uexact= @(x) 4*(x-x.^2);
f = @(x) 8*15*ones(1,N-1); % Source term
u_exact = uexact(x);
ua = uexact(x_min);
ub = uexact(x_max);
u = zeros(N-1,1);
A = zeros(N-1,N-1);
b = f(x(2:N)); %
b(1) = b(1) + ua/h^2;
for i=2:N-1
b(i) = b(i) + ub/h^2;
dA = diag( 2*ones(1,N-1) );
dAp1 = diag( -1*ones(1,N-2), 1 );
dAm1 = diag( -1*ones(1,N-2), -1 );
A = (dA + dAp1 + dAm1);
A = 15*A/h^2;
u = A\b.'; % solving the linear system
g = [ua; u; ub];
Birdman on 22 Mar 2018
This looks like a new question. Ask it to the forum as a new question so more people can contribute.
Dereje on 22 Mar 2018
Ok, I will do that.

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