Using mulitiselect in uigetfile to plot the selected files

11 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
My previous question was to open the selected file and plot it. The problem gets more complicate if I want to use multiselect in uigetfile to open as many files as possible, them plot those files. I don't know how to approach the problem. Can anyone help me? Thanks alot!

Answers (1)

Von Duesenberg
Von Duesenberg on 26 Mar 2018
Is this useful ? :
[filename, pathname, ~] = uigetfile('*.txt', 'Select text files','MultiSelect', 'on');
if filename ~= 0
h = waitbar(0,'Loading files...');
for i=1:length(filename)
myTable = readtable([pathname filename{i}]);
plot(myTable.Var1, myTable.Var2, 'bo')
waitbar(i / length(filename))
noname on 26 Mar 2018
Do you know how to the header of each file, so the user can later select data based on header and do the comparison between different files like plot, calcualte mean, and so on?
Von Duesenberg
Von Duesenberg on 26 Mar 2018
If you're referring to column headers: if you open your files with readtable, your headers will be there:

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