How to change y axis units from decimal to % in probability plots (function: probplot) or Weibull plots (function: wblplot)?
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When drawing probability plots using "probplot" or "wblplot", how do you get the y axis to be displayed in % instead of decimals? Thanks!
Answers (1)
on 17 Sep 2024
To display the y axis labels as percentages for “probplot” or “wbplot”, you can modify the y-axis tick labels using MATLAB's axis manipulation functions.
Specifically, you can use the functions “yticks” and “yticklabels” functions to change the y-axis labels from decimals to percentages.
The code below changes the y-axis labels to percentages to get the corresponding output
data = randn(1000, 1); % Generate random data
probplot('normal', data); % Create a normal probability plot
yt = yticks; % Get the current y-axis ticks
yticklabels(arrayfun(@(y) sprintf('%.0f%%', y * 100), yt, 'UniformOutput', false)); % Convert y-axis tick labels from decimals to percentages
% Add labels and title
ylabel('Probability (%)');
You can refer to the following documents for more information on the axis functions
See Also
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