Searching particular string in an excel spreadsheet

4 views (last 30 days)
What are the options other than 'Range.Find' to search for a string in a spreadsheet? Am using actxserver('Excel.Application'). 'Range.Find' does not help since it start to look from first letter of the string and stops there. For ex. am looking for a string 'Jimmy'. Find would look everything row by row starting with J. if it finds 'John' it shall stop right there. How to make it look for complete string?

Accepted Answer

Ghenji on 9 Apr 2018
Edited: Ghenji on 9 Apr 2018
This worked for me.
Range.Find('String', [], [], 1)
Since the position for LookAt is 4th and I need xlWhole. xlWhole = 1; xlPart = 2;

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Apr 2018
How about hauling it into MATLAB with xlsread() and search each cell for the string with strfind()?
  1 Comment
Ghenji on 6 Apr 2018
well am loading all the the parameters using excel.application. Going back to xlsread() would be long road and further even after using strfind() i will have to move back to to excel.application since I want read the data labelled with some color.

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