How to get 10 fold cross validation results.

2 views (last 30 days)
Basavaraja V
Basavaraja V on 16 Apr 2018
Answered: Muskan on 25 Sep 2024
If there is any way to get 10 confusion matrices or accuracy of the 10 fold cross validation for svm classifier.

Answers (1)

Muskan on 25 Sep 2024
You can use the MATLAB function "kfoldPredict" to classify observations in cross-validated classification mode. You can also use MATLAB's built in function "confusionmat" to compute confusion matrix for classification problem. Here is an example as mentioned in the following documentation on how to achieve the same:
g1 = [3 2 2 3 1 1]'; % Known groups
g2 = [4 2 3 NaN 1 1]'; % Predicted groups
C = confusionmat(g1,g2) ; % Returns the confusion matrix
In order to evaluate your model's performance, you can use MATLAB's function "perfcurve". Please refer to the following documentation of "perfcurve" for a better understanding:
I hope this helps!


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