Hi Venkata
this is John BG jgb2012@sky.com
In order to simplify the acquisition of data from the .csv files you have supplied I've had to modify Shoreline.csv removing all non-figures cells.
Please find attached copy of this script along with the .csv files I used, and an early version of Mr Douglas Schwarz function intersections.m needed again to readily get the intersecting points of the doubled seashore with each segment.
Updates on intersections.m can be downloaded from
the start point is
Acquiring data
clear all;close all;clc
Transects=csvread('Transects.csv') Shorelines=csvread('Shoreline.csv') dc=3 % amount decimals precision
Getting the points of each Transects segment
L={} for n=1:1:33 xn=[Transects(n,1) Transects(n,3)]; yn=[Transects(n,2) Transects(n,4)]; plot(xn,yn,'*') hold on hl=plot(xn,yn,'b-')
Capturing segment points needed to get to intersections
kx=10^-dc*floor(linspace(10^dc*xn(1,1),... 10^dc*xn(1,2),... max(abs(10^dc*xn(1,1)-10^dc*xn(1,2)),abs(10^dc*yn(1,1)-10^dc*yn(1,2)))));
ky=10^-dc*floor(linspace(10^dc*yn(1,1),... 10^dc*yn(1,2),... max(abs(10^dc*xn(1,1)-10^dc*xn(1,2)),abs(10^dc*yn(1,1)-10^dc*yn(1,2))))); pkxy=[kx' ky']; L=[L pkxy];
plot(kx,ky,'r*'); % just checking
% hl=line(xn,yn) % I like plot % hl.XData % neither handles to plot or line returns contain more than the tip points % hl.YData
Acquiring the cutting line, the Seashore-like line
for i=1:2:2146 xi=Shorelines(i,1); yi=Shorelines(i,2); xj=Shorelines(i+1,1); yj=Shorelines(i+1,2); a1=[xi,xj]; b1=[yi,yj]; Interm(k,1)= xi; Interm(k,2)= yi; Interm(k,3)= xj; Interm(k,4)= yj; k=k+1; end
L2=[0 0]; for r=1:1:1073 % plotting Shoreline along with a segment to disregard. xn1=[Interm(r,1) Interm(r,3)]; yn1=[Interm(r,2) Interm(r,4)]; plot(Interm(r,1),Interm(r,2),'.'); plot(Interm(r,3),Interm(r,4),'.'); hold on if r<1073 xn2=[Interm(r,3) Interm(r+1,1)]; yn2=[Interm(r,4) Interm(r+1,2)]; line(xn2,yn2); end % line(xn1,yn1) plot(xn1(1),yn1(1),'g*') % just checking L2=[L2;xn1(1) yn1(1)]; hold on end L2(1,:)=[];
Now L2 contains all points of the sea shore line.
There are 33 Transect segments, let's find the intersecting points of each Transect segment with the sea shore
L2nx=L2(:,1); L2ny=L2(:,2); Xp1=[0 0]; Xp2=[0 0]; for k=1:1:size(L,2) L1=L{k}; L1nx=L1(:,1); L1ny=L1(:,2); [x0n,y0n]=intersections(L2nx,L2ny,[L1nx(1) L1nx(end)],[L1ny(1) L1ny(end)]); x0n=x0n';y0n=y0n'; % expecting 1 and only 1 intersection point from each segment on seashore line, otherwise cell required. plot(x0n(1),y0n(1),'bd') plot(x0n(2),y0n(2),'yd') Xp1=[Xp;x0n(1) y0n(1)]; % yellow intersections curved sea shore Xp2=[Xp;x0n(2) y0n(2)]; % blue intersections, approximation of sea shore with additional straight segment. end Xp(1,:)=[];Xp2(1,:)=[]; % some habits die hard
The variables
Xp1 Xp2
Contain the sought intersections.
Comment: there's a short lines crossing, points Xp1 Xp2, on the left hand side of the sea shore.
Since you define the seashore line with both a detailed contour and segments approximation, there's need to know if you want to discard one of them, or it's ok as it is now.
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thanks in advance for time and attention
John BG