App Designer - how to run code before components are created?

33 views (last 30 days)
I would like to run MATLAB code before the components of the app are initialized. The default workflow is
function app = time_evolution_app_R2_0_v18_resized
% Create and configure components
% Register the app with App Designer
registerApp(app, app.MulticellularModelSimulatorUIFigure)
% Execute the startup function
runStartupFcn(app, @startupFcn)
if nargout == 0
clear app
Therefore, the first editable code is placed after createComponents() and registerApp() are called. Is there any way to place code before runStartupFcn()?
Specifically, I have a bunch of graphics I use for buttons in the app, which I would like to store in a subfolder. However, the only possibility seems to either (1) place the graphics in the same folder as the app, (2) manually add the subfolder with graphics to my MATLAB path. Is there any way to automatically add a subfolder to the path when running the app, before the app components are created?
Will Reeves
Will Reeves on 14 Mar 2023
Edited: Will Reeves on 14 Mar 2023
Can I confirm that since October 2019 this reasonable "feature request" hasn't been included?... Or maybe an "advance mode" option that allows a user to freely edit all areas of code?
Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 28 Mar 2023
As of R2022a, images do not need to be on the MATLAB path to be used in App Designer.
There is a workaround to call addpath with a dummy propery variable
properties (Access = private)
dummyvariable = addpath('./icons')

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Answers (1)

Laura V.
Laura V. on 17 Apr 2023
I'm dealing with the same problem but due to another reason. I would like to implement a Matlab version check before createComponents. Implementing a version check in startupFcn would be too late for features like wordwrap that cause an error with older Matlab versions in createComponents....


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