This code (which just combines your code) works fine for me:
%load data data = [239 199 192 146 123 111 103]; labels = {'A380', 'A350', 'A330-200', 'A318', 'A319neo', 'A320neo', 'A321neo'}; figure; %make line dotted, make bars thinner barh(data, 'FaceColor', [0.75 0.75 0.75], 'LineStyle',':', 'BarWidth', .6); %title title('Airplane length in feet', 'fontsize', 16, 'fontweight', 'normal'); %move x axis to top set(gca, 'XAxisLocation', 'top');
Is it possible that you accidentally created a variable named yticklabels that is causing the problem? Maybe try this code in a fresh MATLAB instance.