Error using nnet.inter​​lidateMini​BatchDatas​tore>check​ReadMethod (line 67)

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Hi i've installed MATLAB2018a and i try to use the semantic segmentation network with my images and when i arrive to this line ""net = trainNetwork(pxds,layers,opts);"" i get this error message "Error using nnet.internal.cnn.validateMiniBatchDatastore>checkReadMethod (line 67) Incorrectly defined MiniBatchable Datastore. Error in read method of C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\toolbox\matlab\datastoreio\+matlab\+io\+datastore\@ImageDatastore\read.m at line 75: Unable to read file: 'C:" can someone help me

Answers (2)

Zhuoer Lyu
Zhuoer Lyu on 15 Oct 2018
Buddy, I also got the same problem. Did you figure it out? Please let me know if you have some ideas, I have been stuck here for several days.
Thank you!

carlos arizmendi
carlos arizmendi on 4 Nov 2019
Hi everyoine, i have now the same problem.. how did you solve it? please..

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