Iterative plot and legend with symbol and color change

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Hi, How do I plot (markers only) and legend two vectors of the same (unknown) size, where the color and symbol change every ten steps? Thanks.
Aviad Aviad
Aviad Aviad on 25 May 2018
Edited: Aviad Aviad on 25 May 2018
I did something like this but it's not so good since it assumes that my data vector size is a multiple of 6:
colors = {'r','g','b','m','k','r','g','b','m','k'};
markers = {'+','o','*','p','x','s','d','+','v','>','<','.','h'};
legendText = cell(n/6, 1); for i=1:6:n-5
iteration = fix(i/6)+1; plot(data1(i:i+5), data2(i:i+5), [colors{iteration}, markers{iteration}]); hold on; legendText{iteration} = sprintf('Curve: %d', iteration);
legend(legendText, 'Location', 'southwest');
Is there a better, more robust way to accomplish this?
jonas on 25 May 2018
If you post a complete code (please select the text and click code to format it before posting) then I can run it and have a look. Alternatively, upload a figure of your desired output

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