Using Feval from C# - handling returned struct

2 views (last 30 days)
Using the sample code on the website I can call a simple function successfully, but where the returned type is a struct, all I get back is a null, but with no error.
Sample function:
function out = myfunc(y)
out.mean = mean(y); % mean
out.median = median(y); % median
out.std = std(y); % standard deviation
My C# code:
static void Main(string[] args)
MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();
matlab.Execute(@"cd c:\BF_hctsa\Operations");
object result = null;
System.Array input = new double[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
input.SetValue(1.0, i);
matlab.Feval("myfunc", 1, out result, input);
object[] res = result as object[];

Answers (1)

Preethi Ayyamperumal
Preethi Ayyamperumal on 6 Jun 2018
MATLAB does not support the following COM interface types:
  • Structure
  • Sparse array
  • Multidimensional SAFEARRAYs (greater than two dimensions)
  • Write-only properties
The workaround is to return fields of the desired struct from the MATLAB function when using Feval. Please refer to the updated code below:
function [out.mean,out.median,out.std] = myfunc(y)
out.mean = mean(y); % mean
out.median = median(y); % median
out.std = std(y); % standard deviation
C# code
static void Main(string[] args)
MLApp.MLApp matlab = new MLApp.MLApp();
matlab.Execute(@"cd c:\BF_hctsa\Operations");
object result = null;
System.Array input = new double[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
input.SetValue(1.0, i);
matlab.Feval("myfunc", 3, out result, input);
object[] res = result as object[];
  1 Comment
javid akhavan
javid akhavan on 17 Jan 2020
How do you read the output? I mean I nead to work with the data in res[0] or others, but since they are "objects" I can't use them.
Consider res[0] is soppused to be an Integer
and i want to compare it to 1,
I wrote
if (res[0] == 1)
but it wouldn't work

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