Simulink Real Time ethernet communication with exteral pc

3 views (last 30 days)
my robot controller runs on Simulink Real-Time, but I would like to communicate with an external computer in real time to get robot's state. I know that the "Real-Time Transmit/Receive Ethernet" blocks work perfectly when both Target pcs run Simulink Real time. In my scenario, however, the external computer runs ROS on Ubuntu and I created a ROS node to handle the tcp/ip socket communication. Is there any Simulink Real-Time module that I can use?

Answers (1)

Jon Lobo
Jon Lobo on 3 Jul 2018
Hi Chiara,
Have you tried using the TCP/IP blocks in Simulink Real-Time? You may also need to use the Byte Pack and Unpack blocks to format/parse the data you are sending/receiving.
See: TCP

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