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How to find adjacent object of an labeled image?

1 view (last 30 days)
Consider the attached labeled image of 10 objects. Each object is denoted by a numeric value 1-10.
I want to count adjacent objects for each that it shares a border with. For example for object 2 it shares the border with 1 and 3. So input will be 2 and output will be 1 and 3.
For the case of 7. Input 7, Output 3,4,6,8,9,10

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 6 Jun 2018
This can be done with graycomatrix(). Trust me. Please think about it and try it yourself first.
  1 Comment
Casio Uploader
Casio Uploader on 9 Jun 2018
Edited: Casio Uploader on 9 Jun 2018
Thanks, It worked... Just few lines of code for other help:
glcms=graycomatrix(Labled Image);
kkkk=glcms(:,SupNum); %if you want to find neibours of 1,then input SupNum=1
[rrrr,~]=find(kkkk>0); aa=find(rrrr==SupNum); rrrr(aa)=[];
%%rrrr is output matrix which contains the neighbours of 1(or your desired one)

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