How to get the imageYCbCr from their component Y, Cb and Cr?
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I was compressed the image JPRG, As is well known, I get the component Y,Cb and Cr from YCbCr image As follows:
imageRGB = imread('myimage’);
imageRGB=imresize(imageRGB, [128 128]);
imageYCbCr = rgb2ycbcr(imageRGB);
imageY = imageYCbCr(:,:,1);
imageCb = imageYCbCr(:,:,2);
imageCr = imageYCbCr(:,:,3);
Now the question is how we can make the inverse operation? That is to say, in decoding operation, how to get the imageYCbCr from their component imageY, imageCb and imageCr for recover my image after that.
Answers (1)
Vidit Jain
on 2 Apr 2017
Edited: Vidit Jain
on 2 Apr 2017
Use cat command. Since you want to concatenate the three channels so use cat(3,A,B,C). In your case use: combinedImg = cat(3,imageY,imageCb,imageCr); combined_RGB = ycbcr2rgb(combinedImg);
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