How can i Replace missing values from Timetable

10 views (last 30 days)
Hi, i have a Timetable TT1 with a bunch of NaN values on his Data and a second TT2 with the correct values (replacements of NaN's).
How can i replace the Nan value with the correct one at each timestamp?

Accepted Answer

Paolo on 9 Jun 2018
Input timetables:
Time Var1
___________ ____
13-Apr-2018 30.1
25-Apr-2018 NaN
26-Apr-2018 12
28-Apr-2018 NaN
Time Var1
___________ ____
13-Apr-2018 37.3
25-Apr-2018 41
26-Apr-2018 42.3
28-Apr-2018 55
%Create timetables.
tt1 = timetable(datetime({'13/04/2018';'25/04/2018';'26/04/2018';'28/04/2018'}),[30.1;NaN;12;NaN]);
tt2 = timetable(datetime({'13/04/2018';'25/04/2018';'26/04/2018';'28/04/2018'}), [37.3;41;42.3;55]);
%Find NaN indexes in first timetable.
x = isnan(tt1.Var1);
%Use indexes to replace values in tt1.Var1 with tt2.Var1.
tt1.Var1(x) = tt2.Var1(x);
Time Var1
___________ ____
13-Apr-2018 30.1
25-Apr-2018 41
26-Apr-2018 12
28-Apr-2018 55
  1 Comment
Ioannis Tsikriteas
Ioannis Tsikriteas on 9 Jun 2018
Yes that definitely solved my problem! Thanks a lot, i had the logical index of the nan values and the last command was what it was misiing

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