Resetting FFT (HDL Optimized) in Simulink

1 view (last 30 days)
Ethan Mok
Ethan Mok on 7 Aug 2018
Answered: Alireza on 13 Aug 2018
I am using the HDL optimized FFT block in Simulink as the core of a frequency estimation system to be implemented on an FPGA. I am receiving bursts of BPSK modulated data, and so need to determine the frequency offset of each burst. What I want to do is reset the internal state of the FFT after each burst (which I detect with a separate energy detection block) - which I've tried with both a resettable subsystem and the actual reset port on the FFT block - but neither successfully reset the FFT. Either the FFT will not update and continue to output the first frequency locked, or will reset to 0 and once again not update.
However, I know that the FFT itself (and the rest of the system) is working, as when I start the simulation before a burst, it properly determines the frequency.

Answers (1)

Alireza on 13 Aug 2018
You probably reset the core too early before the whole frame is out. Use the ENDOUT output signal of the FFT to time the reset.




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