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How to calculate the coefficients of non-polynomial terms

1 view (last 30 days)
I am trying to find the coefficients of non-polynomial terms
For example
syms x
I want to find the coefficients of sin(x) and cos(x).
When using coeffs its not working

Accepted Answer

madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 8 Sep 2018
Edited: madhan ravi on 8 Sep 2018
syms x
[C,T] = coeffs(a) %edited after John’s comment.
It’s working for me
T S Singh
T S Singh on 8 Sep 2018
Yes, Actually I have included a new symbol y in the expression
syms x y
[C,T] = coeffs(a,{sin(x),cos(x),x})
C =
[ 4, -36*y, 9]
T =
[ sin(x), cos(x), x]
Thanks John
madhan ravi
madhan ravi on 8 Sep 2018
Edited: madhan ravi on 8 Sep 2018
if you find it useful please accept the answer, thank you @John

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