Error : Indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

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when I change number of nodes from 4 to 8 I get this

Error: Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
                                                                 Error in RectangularPlate22 (line 63)
                                                                  X(:,iel) = coordinates(nodes(iel,:),1) ;_|

How could i resolvethis error and make it working for 8 nodes per element???

% Variable Description:
%           L - Length of the Plate along X-axes
%           B - Breadth of the Plate along Y-axes
%           Nx - Number of Elements along X-axes
%           Ny - Number of Elements along Y-axes
%           coordinates - The nodal coordinates of the mesh
%           -----> coordinates = [node X Y] 
%           nodes - The nodal connectivity of the elements
%           -----> nodes = [node1 node2......]    
clc ; clear all ;
% Variables which can be changed
% Dimensions of the plate
L = 0.5 ;             % Length of the Plate along X-axes
B = 0.5 ;             % Breadth of the Plate along Y-axes
% Number of Elements required 
Nx = 20 ;            % Number of Elements along X-axes
Ny = 20 ;            % Number of Elements along Y-axes
% From here dont change
nel = Nx*Ny ;        % Total Number of Elements in the Mesh
nnel = 8 ;           % Number of nodes per Element
% Number of points on the Length and Breadth
npx = Nx+1 ;
npy = Ny+1 ;
nnode = npx*npy ;      % Total Number of Nodes in the Mesh
% Discretizing the Length and Breadth of the plate
nx = linspace(0,L,npx) ;
ny = linspace(0,B,npy) ;
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(nx,ny) ;
% To get the Nodal Connectivity Matrix
coordinates = [xx(:) yy(:)] ;
NodeNo = 1:nnode ;
nodes = zeros(nel,nnel) ;
% If elements along the X-axes and Y-axes are equal
if npx==npy
    NodeNo = reshape(NodeNo,npx,npy);
    nodes(:,1) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npx-1,1:npy-1),nel,1);
    nodes(:,2) = reshape(NodeNo(2:npx,1:npy-1),nel,1);
    nodes(:,3) = reshape(NodeNo(2:npx,2:npy),nel,1);
    nodes(:,4) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npx-1,2:npy),nel,1);
% Plotting the Finite Element Mesh
% Initialization of the required matrices
X = zeros(nnel,nel) ;
Y = zeros(nnel,nel) ;
% Extract X,Y coordinates for the (iel)-th element
  for iel = 1:nel
      X(:,iel) = coordinates(nodes(iel,:),1) ;
      Y(:,iel) = coordinates(nodes(iel,:),2) ;
% Figure
fh = figure ;
set(fh,'name','Preprocessing for FEA','numbertitle','off','color','w') ;
title('Finite Element Mesh of Plate') ;
axis([0. L*1.01 0. B*1.01])
axis off ;
if L==B
    axis equal ;
zainab malik
zainab malik on 21 Oct 2018
Thank you KevinChng Sir!! Could you please help me also in this that when I try to display node and element number by adding the below lines at the end of node.
if true
% code
% To display Node Numbers % Element Numbers
pos = [70 20 60 20] ;
ShowNodes = uicontrol('style','toggle','string','nodes','value',0,....
'position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)],'background','white','callback',...
@(varargin) SHOWN(ShowNodes,ShowElements,coordinates,X,Y,nnode,nel,nodes));
pos = get(ShowNodes,'position') ;
pos = [2*pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)] ;
ShowElements = uicontrol('style','toggle','string','Elements','value',0,....
'position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)],'background','white','callback',....
@(varargin) SHOWELEMENTS(ShowElements,ShowNodes,coordinates,X,Y,nel,nodes,nnode));
I get
Error : Undefined function or variable 'SHOWNODES'. Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
How I resolve this?
Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng on 21 Oct 2018
Edited: Kevin Chng on 21 Oct 2018
at my first glance, your error is
@(varargin) SHOWN(ShowNodes,ShowElements,coordinates,X,Y,nnode,nel,nodes)
I'm not really remember how to write the syntax to pass argument for callback. Usually, i will use handles and pass the handles to the callback function. More information, you can refer to link below:
1st) ShowElemet has yet declared, you can't put him into the argument pass to your callback function
2nd) Put the object name into his own callback function, i guess it is not a proper way to do. Refer to code below on how to get your uicontrol object information.
slider = uicontrol('Parent', hfig,'Style','slider',...
'Position',[0.3 0.5 0.4 0.1],...
function slider_callback(hObject,eventdata)
data = guidata(hObject);
data.val = hObject.Value;
data.diffMax = hObject.Max - data.val;
% For R2014a and earlier:
% data.val = get(hObject,'Value');
% maxval = get(hObject,'Max');
% data.diffMax = maxval - data.val;
Refer to code above, in your callback function, you simply use guidata(hObject) to get the information of your slider.

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Accepted Answer

Kevin Chng
Kevin Chng on 21 Oct 2018
I think your error is from here
first you assign zero to nodes with 400 x 8 dimension
nodes = zeros(nel,nnel) ;
later in your reshape you assign dimension 21*21 to NodeNo
NodeNo = reshape(NodeNo,npx,npy);
Then reshape nodes follow below
nodes(:,1) = reshape(NodeNo(1:npx-1,1:npy-1),nel,1);
that's mean now nodes(:,1) has dimesion 441 * 1 then you do similar thing to nodes(:,2), nodes(:,3), nodes(:,4).
Now, Try to think, what is the dimension of nodes(:,5)? originally, you assign zero to nodes(:,5) from 1 to 400, then with new expansion of your nodes, 401 to 441 will be NaN.
At the end
X(:,iel) = coordinates(NaN,1) ;
So how to solve it ? I guess simply to change this line to 21*21 dimension
nodes = zeros(npx,npy) ;
% your npx is 21 dimension, npy is also 21 dimension

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Oct 2018


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