Draw an array of colored circles (i.e, "rectangles")

2 views (last 30 days)
I would like to know if there is a simpler way to draw an array of colored circles. I have been using rectangles that have curvature to make them circles, created in a loop.
The following code draws one row of circles and then an array of several shorter rows of circles:
% Draw holes row one
for hole = 1:num_holes_row_one
x = (hole) * spacing_row_one;
y = -burden ;
rectangle('Position',[x y w h],'Curvature',[1 1],'facecolor','r');
hole_position_array(hole,:) = [x y];
num_holes = num_holes_rest_of_shot;
% Draw holes rest of array
hole_num = 1;
for row = 1:num_rows
for hole = 1:num_holes
this_hole_num = hole_num + num_holes_row_one;
x = ((hole-1) * spacing_rest_of_shot) + spacing_row_one;
y = -(row +1) * burden ;
if kill_me(this_hole_num) == 0
rectangle('Position',[x y w h],'Curvature',[1 1],'facecolor','r');
hole_position_array(this_hole_num,:) = [x y];
hole_num = hole_num + 1;
"kill_me()" is an array showing which are not to be printed. Is there a tool for multiple rectangles? Any thoughts on this are appreciated.
Doug Anderson
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Dec 2018
Please give us code that runs. What is num_holes_row_one? Also give any other variables that we'll need to run your code.
Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson on 3 Dec 2018
Thank you for responding.
Here is code that works on its own, separate from the rest of the application.
As an FYI, during the run of the application, several of the "holes" may be deleted, thus the "kill_me" array, which I have commented out. Also, the hole numbering has to start either on the left or the right, AND deletions from both left and right numbering must occur. The red dots need to be removed (a separate function), and renumbered appropriately. The whole left opening works fine, but opening on the right is a nightmare with the deletions.
% Multi circle test
% Dummy Dimensions
num_holes_row_one = 8;
num_rows = 4;
num_holes_rest_of_shot = 5;
burden = 10;
spacing_row_one = 10;
spacing_rest_of_shot = ((num_holes_row_one - 1) / (num_holes_rest_of_shot - 1)) * spacing_row_one ;
total_holes = num_holes_row_one + (num_holes_rest_of_shot * num_rows);
kill_me = zeros(total_holes,1);
% Size of shot
total_depth = burden * (num_rows + 3); % Add extra row for first row
total_width = spacing_row_one * (num_holes_row_one + 1);
% Hole Position Array (to be filled in loop)
hole_position_array = zeros(total_holes,2);
%if ~exist('text_position_array')
text_position_array = zeros(total_holes,2);
% Determine size of symbol
hole_size_factor = 10; % This seems to work well
hole_diameter = spacing_row_one / hole_size_factor;
w = hole_diameter;
h = hole_diameter;
% Label Adjustment
vert_adjust = w * 2;
horiz_adjust = w/2;
opendir = input('Open left = 1, Open right = -1: ');
% Draw holes row one
for hole = 1:num_holes_row_one
x = (hole) * spacing_row_one;
y = -burden ;
rectangle('Position',[x y w h],'Curvature',[1 1],'facecolor','r');
hole_position_array(hole,:) = [x y];
num_holes = num_holes_rest_of_shot;
% Draw holes rest of array
hole_num = 1;
for row = 1:num_rows
for hole = 1:num_holes
this_hole_num = hole_num + num_holes_row_one;
x = ((hole-1) * spacing_rest_of_shot) + spacing_row_one;
y = -(row +1) * burden ;
if kill_me(this_hole_num) == 0
rectangle('Position',[x y w h],'Curvature',[1 1],'facecolor','r');
hole_position_array(this_hole_num,:) = [x y];
hole_num = hole_num + 1;
%Draw Hole Numbers
%opendir = handles.opendir;
switch opendir
case 1 % Open from the left
hole_num = 1;
hole_summer = 1;
case -1
hole_num = num_holes_row_one;
hole_summer = -1;
for hole = 1:num_holes_row_one
x = (hole) * spacing_row_one + horiz_adjust;
y = -burden + vert_adjust; %-(row) * burden + vert_adjust;
text_position_array(hole_num,:) = [x y];
hole_num = hole_num + hole_summer; %1;
%Rest of Rows
switch opendir
case 1
hole_to_print = hole_num;
dir_switcher = 0;
case -1
hole_to_print = hole_num + num_holes_row_one + num_holes;
dir_switcher = 1;
hole_num = 1;
hole_label = 1;
for row = 1:num_rows
for hole = 1:num_holes
this_hole_num = hole_num + num_holes_row_one;
hole_label = this_hole_num;
x = (hole -1) * spacing_rest_of_shot + spacing_row_one + horiz_adjust;
y = -(row + 1) * burden + vert_adjust;
if kill_me(this_hole_num) == 0
hole_to_print = hole_to_print + 1;
%hole_num = hole_num - 1 ;
hole_num = hole_num + 1 ;
if kill_me(this_hole_num) == 0
if hole == num_holes && dir_switcher == 1
hole_to_print = hole_to_print + (num_holes * 2) -1;
hole_to_print = hole_to_print + hole_summer;
text_position_array(this_hole_num,:) = [x y];
%hole_num = hole_num + 1;
axis equal
axis off
Thanks again for looking at this! You folks are great.
Doug Anderson

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