plotting a graph for cell

8 views (last 30 days)
johnson saldanha
johnson saldanha on 10 Dec 2018
Commented: johnson saldanha on 11 Dec 2018
i have a cell array. it has a 12 rows and 1 column. i want to plot the graph for each cell element in the same graph. each cell element should differ in appearance. like circles, triangles and so on.
Guillaume on 10 Dec 2018
What's in each cell of the cell array (size and type)?
What does the graph refers to? Matlab has many graph plotting functions from simple line graphs to bar, chart, etc. graphs.
johnson saldanha
johnson saldanha on 10 Dec 2018
i want simple line graph. the type is double and the cell elements have n number of rows and single column. so the number of rows will be my x axis

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 10 Dec 2018
% make random data
C = cell(5,1) ;
for i =1:5
C{i} = rand(10,1) ;
% plot
str = {'.-r','*-k','d-g','^-y','O-b'} ;
hold on
for i = 1:length(C)
plot(C{i},str{i}) ;
But my suggestion woul dbe to go by color instead of markers.
% make random data
C = cell(5,1) ;
for i =1:5
C{i} = rand(10,1) ;
% plot
hold on
for i = 1:length(C)
plot(C{i}) ;
KSSV on 10 Dec 2018
YOu should show your whole code.....and also you should mention what is the error.
johnson saldanha
johnson saldanha on 11 Dec 2018
i got it thanks

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More Answers (1)

Guillaume on 10 Dec 2018
The simplest way to plot each vector:
hold on;
hlines = cellfun(@plot, yourcellarray);
This will plot each vector in a different colour (according to the colourorder property of the figure). Matlab does not have an automatic way to cycle between different markers but you can change them afterward:
markers = {'o', '+', '*', '.', 'x', 's', 'd', '^', 'v', '>', '<', 'p'}; %12 different markers
[hlines.Marker] = markers{:};
Guillaume on 10 Dec 2018
The lines
markers = {'o', '+', '*', '.', 'x', 's', 'd', '^', 'v', '>', '<', 'p'}; %12 different markers
[hlines.Marker] = markers{:};
will definitively change the markers of the 12 lines to 12 different markers.
johnson saldanha
johnson saldanha on 11 Dec 2018
yes i did that. but im not getting the markers

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