help with fitlm (least squares fit)

3 views (last 30 days)
I don't understand how to use fitlm if indeed that's the right function to use.
I want to fit 5 sets of data to the function y = ax^2 + bx + c.
tbl = table(Y,X); yes?
mdl = fitlm(tbl,'model') what do I use for model?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Dec 2018
Douglas's non-Answer moved here since it's not an answer to the original question:
It seems that polyfit is crashing mathlab.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Dec 2018
If MATLAB itself crashed and shut down completely, then call the Mathworks.
If it's just your script that throws an error with red text in the command window, then most likely there is a problem with your m-file. Post your data with the paper clip icon, along with code to read it in and call the polyfit() function.
I'm attaching my polyfit demo - perhaps you can adapt it.

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Accepted Answer

Douglas Brenner
Douglas Brenner on 19 Dec 2018
Your demo crashed it as well.

More Answers (2)

Douglas Brenner
Douglas Brenner on 19 Dec 2018
X = [1,2,3,4,5]
Y = [1,5,6,4,2]
yFit = polyfit(X,Y, 2)
Matlab itself crashed.

Douglas Brenner
Douglas Brenner on 19 Dec 2018
I could try a Gaussian fit. That would work for me. Do you have an example for that?

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