From rk-2 to rk-4
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Hi, I have a problem. I have written the following code for a Runge Kutta 2 but now i want it write a code for a Runge Kutta 4. So if i'm correct i have to add a k3 and a k4 but i have no clue how. Can anyone help me?
function x = exc5rk2(k,M,h,D)
% k, m, and D are preset values
%h is the timesteps and D is the time
N = D/h;
t(1) = 0;
x(1) = 1.5;
v(1) = 0;
for i = 1:N
t(i+1) = t(i) + h;
xs = x(i) + h*(v(i));
vs = v(i) + h*(-k/M*x(i));
x(i+1) = x(i) + h/2*(v(i)+vs);
v(i+1) = v(i) + h/2*(-k/M*x(i)-k/M*xs);
Accepted Answer
madhan ravi
on 21 Dec 2018
Edited: madhan ravi
on 21 Dec 2018
If you want just download from file exchange and adapt it to your equation.
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